BCC Executive Council Election Results 2021-2022
Jess Farrell | BitCurator Consortium
The votes are in from the BitCurator Consortium 2021-2022 annual election!
Charter Amendments
All proposed charter amendments were unanimously approved. Please see our updated charter here: https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/bitcurator-consortium-charter/
Executive Council
Welcome to our newest Executive Council members, George Apodaca Collett from the Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Art, Joe Carrano from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Alice Prael from Yale University Libraries. The Council is excited for the next two years with these widely respected colleagues!
And a very big thank you to our outgoing leaders:
Brian Dietz will complete his, shall we say “leadership sprint,” at the end of June. The EC voted Brian in as President-Elect in September 2020, a term he served for just 1 month before our dear former colleague Laura Alagna resigned from her President seat due to a job change. Brian took the helm naturally and has been an incredible leader – he contributes at every step of the way, is extremely thoughtful about everything we do, and reminds people to bring accessibility and inclusion into the conversation for every decision. Brian will continue to be part of the Program Committee leadership team moving forward, and his ideas and leadership have made a lasting impression on the EC. Thank you for your leadership over the past year, Brian!
Amy Berish will also complete her council term at the end of June. Amy has been an inspiring organizer for the BCC over the past few years, connecting BCC work through her leadership on the Executive Council, Documentation & Training Committee, and the Software Development Committee. With David Cirella, she has over the past year led the migration of our BitCurator wiki, laid the groundwork – charge, project list, background information – to restart the BCC Software Development Committee, and is currently supporting the recruitment and formation of the group. If you value these activities, send Amy a note of thanks today, because they couldn’t happen without her! We hope she enjoys her well-deserved retirement from the EC!
Cal Lee will also complete his council terms at the end of June. This is a milestone for the BCC community and for Cal. Cal is a founder of the BitCurator Consortium and of the BitCurator software itself. Cal has made enormous contributions to the field of digital curation, and along the way has always been one of the BCC’s strongest supporters and advocates. Cal was the first President of the BCC in 2015-2016, and since then has served as an Executive Council member. For several terms, Cal has stepped up to serve on the Council when it was difficult to find people to run. The fact that he is able to step back after nurturing this community from its founding until now, with three amazing leaders stepping up to the plate this year, is a sign that our community is thriving. Thank you, Cal, for making your dreams of building a community of digital archives professionals come to life through the BitCurator Consortium. We wish you all the best in your extremely well-deserved vacation from the EC!
In July, Lauren Work will step into the position of President. Elvia, Farrell, and Kelly will begin their second-year terms, and the EC will elect a new President-Elect and a new Treasurer. This election will be internal to the EC.
Congratulations to our new Executive Council members, and thank you outgoing leaders for your enormous contributions.