BCC Executive Council Elections Candidates 2022
Jess Farrell | BitCurator Consortium
We are thrilled to introduce four BitCurator Consortium Executive Council candidates! The BCC will elect four candidates to serve 2022-2024 terms.
Sally DeBauche
Sally DeBauche is a Digital Archivist in the Department of Special Collections at Stanford Libraries. She is responsible for acquiring, processing, and describing born digital collection materials, with a particular focus on developing policy and workflows for processing email collections. She recently served as the Project Manager for the ePADD email curation and access software development project from 2019-2021 and continues to advise on the project in its current phase of development. The ePADD project was the recipient of the NDSA (National Digital Stewardship Alliance) Innovation Award in 2017 and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Software Sustainability Institute Award for Research and Innovation in 2018. She received a Master of Science in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Election Statement
The BitCurator Consortium has played an important role in fostering a welcoming and truly productive community around digital curation and preservation. I believe that the archival community has benefited greatly from the efforts of the BitCurator Consortium including the BitCurator Project, surrounding documentation, committees, and conferences. I have previously contributed to other inter-institutional projects related to digital curation including the OSSArcFlow Project, the ePADD Project, and most recently the Email to PDF Working Group. These experiences have shown me the power of working collaboratively to find solutions to the challenges that we all encounter in working with born digital archives. If elected to this role, I would look forward to opportunity to contribute my time and skills to the furtherance of the BitCurator Consortium’s mission.
Krista Sorenson
Krista Sorenson serves as the Electronic Records Archivist for the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS). In this role she collects, processes, manages, and provides access to the born digital content transferred from Wisconsin’s state agencies. Prior to her start at WHS, Krista worked on digital projects at the State Library of North Carolina and in local government records management at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Additionally, she provides support to the Best Practices Exchange (BPE) community serving as both a conference host in 2020 and currently as a member of the BPE Un-Steering Committee.
Election Statement
In my few years of active participation with the BitCurator Consortium, I have enjoyed and benefited from the knowledge and advice generously contributed by the community. As a nominee for the Executive Council, I look forward to giving back and furthering relationships with others in the BCC. I hope my government archives perspective and experiences can aid this community as it continues to grow in its mission and strategic goals. Lastly, I am excited to build on the processes and documentation already in place to help sustain this community.
Annalise Berdini
Annalise Berdini is the Digital Archivist for Princeton University Library Special Collections, where she has worked since 2018. She manages the department’s digital curation program, which includes developing and implementing digital archives workflows, selecting and implementing a digital preservation system, managing development of a virtual reading room and other born-digital access solutions, processing collections, and managing web archives. She also helps develop digital preservation policies for the library. She is finishing up a three year term with the SAA Electronic Records Section as Vice Chair/Chair/Past Chair, has chaired two subcommittees as a member of the DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group, is an active member of the BCC Membership Committee, was a co-author on the UC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description, and recently contributed to the Virtual Reading Room chapter of the Lighting the Way Handbook. She was also a co-author of the Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia’s Anti-Racist Description Resources and continues to work to address harmful archival description as a member of Princeton’s Inclusive Description Working Group.
Election Statement
As an active member of the BCC Membership Committee and as someone who has greatly benefited from BCC’s emphasis on collaboration and community-building, I would love the opportunity to contribute as a member of the Executive Council. The BCC’s focus on making membership and resources as open, inclusive, and accessible as possible has had a real impact on our community. My own journey as a digital archivist has been directly supported in so many ways by the BCC – from some of my earliest experiences at the forums, to workshops offered, to documentation and community calls – no community in my experience has been so focused on making the entry into being a born-digital practitioner so approachable, comprehensive, and friendly. I would continue to prioritize these efforts on the Executive Council and would work to find new ways to reach and support those who may not have institutional support for membership. I would be thrilled to help continue building a collaborative and inclusive community focused on the needs of its members and work together to guide the future direction of the BCC.
Elizabeth-Anne Johnson
Elizabeth-Anne Johnson is Electronic Records Archivist at the University of Calgary Archives & Special Collections, where she’s worked since 2019. Prior to this, she was Digital Archivist at the Yukon Archives. An alumna of the University of Manitoba Archival Studies program, she is working to develop workflows for acquiring and processing born-digital archival material and assisting in the implementation of Libsafe, UCalgary’s digital preservation system. Her committee experience includes membership in the DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group “Remote Transfers and Acquisitions” subgroup and the Digital Archival traNsfer, iNgest, and packagiNg Group.
Election Statement
The more work I do with digital archives, the more I realize that BitCurator and its associated community is integral to that work. I benefitted so much from the BitCurator Consortium even before my institution was a member, and am excited to contribute to its success, sustainability, and wider accessibility across cultural heritage institutions. I’m particularly interested in expanding the BCC community to include people with diverse academic/professional backgrounds who work with born-digital material in varying institutions.