BitCurator Users Forum 2020 – Moving to Virtual
BitCurator Consortium | BitCurator Consortium
The BitCurator Users Forum Program Committee has decided to move the 2020 BitCurator Users Forum to a virtual conference format, which will take place on October 13-16, 2020. The committee took many factors into account in making this decision, including public health advisories, decisions other conference organizers have made, trends of universities plans for public gatherings, and the reality that support for professional development and travel will be significantly reduced in the coming fiscal year.
Ultimately we feel this decision was necessary in order to both protect people’s health and to ensure broad participation. We’re hopeful that the virtual format will open up the conference to new audiences, including graduate students, new professionals, members of the international community, and colleagues who may otherwise not attend.
We will share details about the program, registration, logistics, and cost of attendance over the summer. There are still many details that need to be figured out, including the cost of hosting a virtual conference. That being said, the Program Committee is happy to announce that the cost of attendance will be on a sliding scale starting at $0.
Even though we are disappointed that we will not be able to meet in person in Tempe in October, we are looking forward to the opportunities that a virtual Forum will provide. We are also pleased to announce that Arizona State University will continue as host for the Users Forum in 2021.