BitCurator Users Forum 2021 – Preliminary Program Now Available
Margo Padilla, Lourdes Johnson | BitCurator Consortium
The Program Committee is pleased to announce that the preliminary program is now available for the BitCurator Users Forum 2021.
The Forum will be held virtually October 12-14, 2021. Each day will include workshops, lightning talks, and themed sessions on starting from scratch, iteration and scalability, implementing “good enough” practices, issues pertaining to access and discovery, and hearing from intersecting perspectives and new voices. There will also be a return of the “Great Question!” session where attendees can ask anonymous questions in an open forum, and two Birds of a Feather sessions for BIPOC and Students and New Professionals.
NEW this year: BitCuratorEdu Educators’ Summit
The BitCuratorEdu Project, in collaboration with the 2021 BitCurator Users Forum, is delighted to announce that we will be hosting a BitCuratorEdu Educators’ Summit on Friday, October 15 (the day after the Forum). Registration for the Educators’ Summit will coincide with registration for the Forum, so please keep an eye out for those announcements in the next few weeks.