Educopia Institute Releases Recording of OSSArcFlow Webinar
Educopia Institute | Educopia Institute
Educopia Institute is pleased to announce the release of the OSSArcFlow Resource Release Webinar. Last month, Educopia released the OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows. The publication of the Guide marks the culmination of a three-year project (OSSArcFlow) to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of archival workflows for born-digital content. To celebrate this milestone, Educopia staff—along with OSSArcFlow partners and authors of the Guide—hosted a webinar to answer questions and discuss lessons learned and future directions for born-digital archival workflows.
If you are interested in learning more about the OSSArcFlow project, the OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows, or the video learning modules that accompany the Guide but were unable to attend the live webinar, we invite you to view the recording now. In addition to the webinar, the full suite of OSSArcFlow resources—from narrative and visual workflow representations to video training modules that provide guidance on how to create and use born-digital workflow documentation—are now freely available on the Educopia website.