How We Use It Here: Webinars by, for, and about the BitCurator Community
Annalise Berdini | BitCurator Consortium
The BCC Membership Committee is excited to announce a new concept for ongoing training and education on digital curation tools and workflows: the How We Use it Here webinar series. The series is envisioned as a new quarterly webinar for members, with one webinar per year made accessible to the general public in addition to the BCC membership. These webinars are not limited to BitCurator tools and could include implementation and use stories for any digital curation tools and workflows. Our goal is to create more opportunities for members and non-members alike to learn how others in the field generate workflows, implement software and hardware into those workflows, and find creative solutions to digital curation questions. We hope this programming is especially useful to those who may be in the early stages of digital curation program development.
In order to make this webinar series a success, we need volunteers! Each webinar will be up to an hour total, can be pre-recorded or presented live, and can include a solo screencast or speaker, or multiple speakers. We just ask that the presentation be about how you are making digital curation happen at your organization! So, do you have an implementation story? Did you create or update a digital curation workflow? Did you find a new tool that helps you transfer records? Share it with the BCC!
The detailed webinar requirements are as follows:
- Present a one-hour instruction or show & tell session; 30-40 minutes of speaking time with room for questions
- May be live or pre-recorded
- Must be a discussion of how digital curation tools or workflows have been implemented or used at your institution/organization
- May include more than one speaker
If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please fill out this Form below, and feel free to contact the membership committee at if you have any questions about the series.