How to Become a Member of the BitCurator Consortium
At this time, the BitCurator Consortium has three membership options:
- institution
- group of institutions
- volunteer
Institutions and groups of institutions enjoy the full scope of BitCurator Consortium benefits and services. Volunteer members are invited to participate in many parts of the community but do not receive the full scope of benefits and services offered to sustaining institutions and groups.
Institutional Membership
To enjoy the full scope of BitCurator Consortium membership, become an institutional member. Fill out the membership agreement and email it to info@bitcuratorconsortium.org to get started.
Not sure if your institution is a member? See our membership list.
Group Membership
Groups of three or more institutions receive a 50% discount per institution on their membership price. Are you part of a consortium or association? Coordinate a group membership and enjoy the benefits of the BitCurator Consortium under a collective financial model. Contact us to get started.
Volunteer Membership
Volunteer members must be active in a BCC committee. Audits of inactive volunteers occur twice a year. Volunteers can participate in the activities of Consortium committees and attend the BCC’s monthly community calls, but they do not retain other member benefits such as voting rights and access to special services (for example, the BCC’s workflow consultation offering).
Anyone can volunteer for a BCC group regardless of their affiliation with a member institution or experience in the field. To express interest in joining a group and to become a volunteer member, fill out this form.
What happens after I submit my institutional or group membership form?
The Executive Council votes on all new institutional and group members in accordance with the BCC charter. After the vote, Educopia Institute, the BCC’s fiscal host, sends an invoice to the institution or group’s billing contact.
The organizational representative and anyone else from the institution who would like to join is added to our database and everyone gains access to BCC’s organizing infrastructure, including internal communication channels and the BCC monthly community calls.
The BCC Membership Committee facilitates an orientation session for anyone at the organization or group of organizations who has joined. The BCC Membership Committee will also share public and internal communications about your organization joining the BCC.
What happens after I submit my group volunteer interest form?
Volunteer applications are reviewed by committee chairs and all prospective volunteers receive a response to their generous offer of time. Accepted volunteers are added to our database and they gain access to BCC’s organizing infrastructure, including internal communication channels and the BCC monthly community calls.
Remember that volunteer membership is predicated on active engagement and volunteers who are inactive for more than 6 months may be removed from BCC resources.