Posted: June 23, 2022
BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar Recording
Jess Farrell, Cal Lee, Hannah Wang | BitCuratorEdu Project
Jess Farrell, Cal Lee, and Hannah Wang from the BitCuratorEdu project discuss digital curation educational resources created over the course of the project, including the BitCurator Guide for Educators. The project team discusses these resources, how they can be used and adapted, and future directions for digital curation education.
00:00 Introduction to BitCuratorEdu (Hannah Wang & Cal Lee)
05:07 BitCuratorEdu Milestones (Cal Lee)
06:48 Lessons Learned (Jess Farrell)
16:36 Learning Objects (Hannah Wang)
27:06 BitCurator Guide for Educators (Hannah Wang)
30:37 Future Directions (Jess Farrell)

Cite this resource:
Jess Farrell, Cal Lee, Hannah Wang. (June 23, 2022). BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar Recording. BitCuratorEdu Project.
Jess Farrell, Cal Lee, Hannah Wang. (June 23, 2022). BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar Recording. BitCuratorEdu Project.