Building an Anti-Racist Digital Curation Curriculum Workshop: Facilitators’ Guide
Jessica Farrell, Grace Muñoz, Ricky Punzalan, Hannah Wang | BitCuratorEdu Project
This one-hour workshop is a first step for groups of people who want to work in community with each other to include material in their teaching that mitigates harm based on race in collections. It is intended to celebrate the perspectives of practitioner peer trainers and other types of instructors in addition to formal educators at academic institutions. Participants answer some reflective questions about their intentions for the day, then break out into small groups to discuss an area of digital curation practice for 25 minutes. Then participants come together for a short debrief before ending the session.
The facilitators’ guide is available for free download as a PDF or Google Doc, below.
Learning object type
Instructor support
Learning objectives
This learning object might be used in a lesson to satisfy the following learning objectives:
- Analyze the ethical considerations for tools and methods used in born-digital curation
- Advocate for the use of community-built and -supported open-source tools in digital curation
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About this resource
This resource was released by the BitCuratorEdu project and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Most resources from the BitCuratorEdu project are intentionally left with basic formatting and without project branding. We encourage educators, practitioners, and students to adapt these materials as much as needed and share them widely.
The BitCuratorEdu project was an effort (2018-2022) funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to study and advance the adoption of digital forensics tools and methods in libraries and archives through professional education efforts. This project was a partnership between Educopia Institute and the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, along with the Council of State Archivists (CoSA) and several Masters-level programs in library and information science.
Google Doc PDF
Jessica Farrell, Grace Muñoz, Ricky Punzalan, Hannah Wang. (June 17, 2022). Building an Anti-Racist Digital Curation Curriculum Workshop: Facilitators’ Guide. BitCuratorEdu Project.