Session 3 – Journalism and Digital Preservation
Laura Alagna | BitCurator Consortium
Several incidents in recent years have demonstrated the necessity of digital preservation in the media: the deletion of the Gothamist, DNAinfo, and LAist sites, and the battle for ownership of Gawker’s content have made it clear that, although journalists and information professionals are in agreement that such things should be preserved, we have not yet shared knowledge or collaborated on how to make this happen. The purpose of this let’s-do-this-a-thon is to bring together digital preservation practitioners and journalists to brainstorm, collaborate, and explore the intersection of journalism and digital forensics. Specifically, we’d like to know: how can we work together to prevent “mass deletions”? What knowledge or skills can we share to facilitate the preservation of digital journalism? How can digital archiving become a part of journalists’ process?
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Laura Alagna. (September 13, 2018). Session 3 – Journalism and Digital Preservation. BitCurator Consortium.