Opening Remarks, October 16, 2020
Laura Alagna
Opening Remarks, October 16, 2020
Talk One: To Image or Not to Image: Implementing a staggered transition to logical capture by default (1:30) Tori Maches While creating disk images is best practice for physical storage media, this is not always practical. Disk images represent an increased storage and time commitment … Read more →
Once libraries, archives and museums (LAMs) have established general processes for born-digital materials, they are often confronted with challenges associated with specific file types. The BitCurator environment has long included tools for handling specific data types, including readpst for email stored in PST format. However, … Read more →
Looking for a link shared in the chat during a BitCurator Users Forum 2020 session? Follow the link below to see all of the resources shared in the chat over the 4-day Forum.
Talk One: Providing Access to the Christine Tamblyn’s Interactive Digital Artworks: A Case Study (00:00:00) Carolina Quezada Meneses As part of my MLIS program internship this year at the UC Irvine Libraries’ Special Collections & Archives (SCA), I helped provide access to the interactive digital … Read more →
Open session where people can ask questions to the entire audience anonymously. Anything goes! These could be questions related to workflows, policies, things you are struggling with, something you’d like some community advice or guidance about.
Extensive professional work has gone into using and documenting forensic tools for bit-for-bit preservation of born-digital materials. Less thoroughly documented are practical strategies for how, once legacy material has been made physically and intellectually stable, to make it accessible. The EaaSI project has worked to … Read more →
Talk One: BitCurator Environments in Archives: Collaboration Architectures and Workflow for Digital Preservation (00:01:40) Arjun Sabharwal The demand for digital preservation has reached a new milestone with the growth of born-digital records. However, many public institutions and private organizations have not completely grasped the enormity … Read more →
Lauren Work and Laura Alagna Archiving and preserving digital content are inherently collaborative and rely on many different partners joining forces to ensure success. This workshop will focus on helping attendees develop and expand collaborative skills that will be useful in engaging with colleagues on … Read more →
Opening Remarks, October 13, 2020
Talk 1: Scalability, automation and open source tools at the British Film Institute (00:01:53) Joanna White The British Film Institute’s (BFI) National Archive recently started a preservation project to convert 3PB of DPX film scans into FFv1 Matroska video files using automation scripts written by … Read more →
Talk One: DiAGRAM – the Digital Archiving Graphical Risk Assessment Model: quantifying digital preservation risks (00:00:00) David Underdown, Hannah Merwood, Alex Green The last 20 years have seen a wide range of digital preservation good practice established, from OAIS to the NDSA Levels of Preservation. … Read more →
Born-digital’s increasing presence in archives necessitates fundamental changes to adequately support, manage, and make this material discoverable. However, work remains siloed in these areas, and is often misunderstood or invisible. Collaboration to sustain this work is challenging due to misconceptions about the labor it entails, … Read more →