Past Events

BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar

Register for the BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar on June 21 at 12pm ET! (click here for your local time) Join Jess Farrell, Cal Lee, Katherine Skinner, and Hannah Wang from the BitCuratorEdu project to learn about digital curation educational resources created over the course of … Read more →

BitCuratorEdu Workshops and Conference Presentations

BitCuratorEdu Resource Release Webinar Jess Farrell (Co-PI), Cal Lee (PI), Hannah Wang (Project Manager) | June 21, 2022 What Does It Take to Teach Born-Digital Archiving and Digital Forensics? Hannah Wang (Project Manager) and Katherine Skinner (Co-PI) | Digital Preservation | National Digital Stewardship Alliance … Read more →

WARC Preservation Community Discussion with the Digital Preservation Coalition

The BitCurator Consortium and the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group are hosting a community discussion on preservation of WARCs (the Web ARChive file format) on June 14 at 12pm ET | 4pm UTC. (See your local time for this event) The … Read more →

BCC Students & New Professionals Coffee Hour

(click here for your local time) The Students & New Professionals Coffee Hour, a collaboration between the BitCurator Consortium and the BitCuratorEdu Project, will be open to students and new professionals who are not members of the BitCurator Consortium, as well as BCC members. At … Read more →

BitCurator Help Desk

(click here for your local time) The BitCurator Help Desk, a collaboration between the BitCurator Consortium and the BitCuratorEdu Project, will be an event open to students and educators who are not members of the BitCurator Consortium, as well as BCC members. Attendees will have … Read more →

February 2022 BCC Community Call (Registration Required)

(click here for your local time) This community call, a collaboration between the BitCurator Consortium and the BitCuratorEdu Project, will be open to students and educators who are not members of the BitCurator Consortium, as well as BCC members. This call is an opportunity for … Read more →

BitCurator Users Forum. October 12-14, 2021. Virtual Conference. bitly/BUF2021. #BUF21. Image of USB cord

BitCurator Users Forum 2021

Open to all! The two-day forum will balance discussion of theory and practice of digital forensics and related digital analysis workflows with hands-on activities for users at all levels of experience with the BitCurator environment, digital forensics methods in general, and other tools for use … Read more →

Great Question! April 2021

BCC Membership Committee

The BitCurator Consortium was pleased to facilitate a free, public virtual event called Great Question! on April 23, 2021 from 2-3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4). The recording is available below, along with a “transcript” (Airtable database) of the questions raised and answers shared. … Read more →

BitCurator Consortium Roundtable: practice // values : situating digital forensics tools in archives

BItCurator Consortium

A discussion of different experiences mediating between software tools and born-digital materials and the ethical considerations of this work.

BitCurator Users Forum Virtual Conference, October 13-16, 2020

BitCurator Users Forum 2020

Open to all! The two-day forum will balance discussion of theory and practice of digital forensics and related digital analysis workflows with hands-on activities for users at all levels of experience with the BitCurator environment, digital forensics methods in general, and other tools for use … Read more →

BitCurator Consortium Roundtable: The Ethics of Born-Digital Collecting

Alex Chassanoff, BitCurator Consortium

In the Spring and Fall of 2019, the BitCurator Consortium (BCC) will facilitate a series of online roundtable discussions on topics of interest for born-digital cultural heritage communities. Our first round-table took place on March 22 and explored “The Ethics of Born-Digital Collecting.” We were … Read more →

BitCurator Consortium Webinar – BitCurator NLP Project

Cal Lee, Kam Woods, BitCurator Consortium

This is a recording of a BitCurator Consortium public webinar on “BitCurator NLP Project”. The BitCurator NLP project has been developing software for collecting institutions to extract, analyze, and produce reports on features of interest in text extracted from born-digital materials. The project is adapting … Read more →

Advanced Topics Webinar – BCA Webtools

Cal Lee, Kam Woods, BitCurator Consortium

This is a recording of a BitCurator Consortium webinar on BitCurator Access WebTools, the third of a series of webinars on BitCurator advanced topics! These webinars are designed to dig a little deeper into the advanced functionality of the BitCurator software environment, and to provide … Read more →

Advanced Topics Webinar – Scripting in BitCurator

Dianne Dietrich, Jarrett Drake

This webinar’s focus is on scripting within the BitCurator environment and is led by Dianne Dietrich (Cornell University) and Jarrett Drake (Princeton University). Each presenter will describe their experience getting started with scripting in BitCurator, challenges overcome, resources utilized, and provide recommendations for those just … Read more →

Advanced Topics Webinar – Kryoflux

Dorothy Waugh, Matthew Farrell, Walker Sampson

This webinar’s focus is on the features, uses, and application of the Kryoflux hardware interface and software tool, including the following topics: Overview of Kryoflux basic functionality and outputs Example use cases for Kryoflux application Typical issues and challenges with implementing Kryoflux in digital forensics … Read more →

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Membership is open to libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions worldwide that seek a collaborative community within which they may explore and apply forensics approaches and solutions to their digital collections.

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